Yahoo Answers Answers Part 58

what western state?

You should know that the question posed by asker is for a trivia game sponsored by Marlboro.

This game awards cash prizes…

If you know the answer, why not play the game yourself?

Couldn’t you use the money?

James in San Diego


about how high up would you have to catch the sunrise?

You should know that this answer is part of a trivia game sponsored by Marlboro that awards cash prizes.

If you know the answer, why not play the game yourself?

Couldn’t you use the money too?

James in San Diego


where is the only inland sea in the united states located?

Hey John,

If we are going by name only and not any other characteristics, I believe that the correct answer is:

The Salton Sea

just out side of San Diego, California

James in San Diego


Give us the name of this location where glares a Bull Moose of stone.?

You should be aware that this question is for a trivia game that is sponsored by Marlboro.

This contest is awarding cash prises.

If you know the answers, you are encoraged to participate in the conest yourself and collect the cash.

You are encoraged not to answer this question

James in San Diego


Tickling the ivories in this tough town is rumored to be a dangerous endeavor. Name the town and author who?

This question is for a contest sponsored my Marlboro.

This is a trivia contest with cash prizes, You should know that these questions about the road are for profit.

You are encoraged not to answer.

James in San Diego


what highway is overrun by these reptiles?

You should know that the asker of this question is playing a trivia game sponsored by Marlboro that gives a cash reward.

If you know the answer, why not play the game yourself?

Couldn’t you use the money as well?

James in San Diego

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