Yahoo Answers Answers Part 31

what is franchise?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Aiz,

A Franchise is when you pay a licensing fee to the main company in order for you to open a branch of the same name. It usually means that they will train you in their ways, give you a list of where to get your products from and a basic pricing structure.

Some franchise agreements are very complex (McDonald’s for example) and some are very minimal (An agreement to sell Vienna Hot Dogs at your hot dog stand but still have the sign outside that says Vienna)

Be Careful before your sign any franchise agreement. Talk with other Franchisees (They should give you a list) and make sure a lawyer you trust reviews EVERYTHING!

Good Luck,

James in San Diego


i’m looking for a business that let you set up a phone service which you can use to call an Inmate in Jail

Favorite Answer:

Sorry Zie,

Those numbers are blocked by the jails. Plus, even if you were able to get a block of numbers and start dialing – They don’t have any ringers!




i need to know how to block people from writing does anyone know how to do that?

Favorite Answer:


Are you talking about here on Yahoo Answers? Or are you just talking about writing in general?

If you are — It’s very simple —

Stop reading!

It’s called free speach and as much as we don’t like what others say — Oh, well !


I need a quick and easy chicken recipe for tonight’s supper. Got suggetstions?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Forgiven,

I have a so simple recipe.

Take chicken and cover with your favorite salsa.

Put in oven for 30-45 minutes at 400 (f)

When chicken pulls apart, serve with warm tortillas or over rice. (Noodles are also a good substitute for rice, but you can buy one of those 90 second microwave rice bags, like spanish or mexican rice).

It’s quick, easy and healthy.

James in San Diego


Should I Only Treat This Area (Picture Included)?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Botkins,

I don’t know if it is a Proactiv thing, but I have noticed that if I fail to treat an area that HAS HAD acne, that I then suffer a breakout.

I would use the Scrub on your entire face and any place else that you have seen acne.

I use the Toner on the area’s that I used the Scrub on.

I ONLY then use the repair on the areas that are subject to CURRENT breakouts.

I only use the mask on the oily area’s and the current acne areas.

I am not the best advert. for Proactive. I don’t always use it twice a day and I forget to use the Mask ALL THE TIME!

I also forget to drink the right amount of water nearly every day! (Water is very important — it makes the oil on your face clog less, because your body is able to sweat more fluids because you are replenishing it).

Hope you have luck!

James in San Diego


Immunizations and Antibiotics create the super-strains of tomorrow?

Favorite Answer:


Immunizations – Mostly – Are of great benefit to Mankind.

Antibiotics and Antibiotic soaps are something else all together.

A pound of dirt a year… We used to get colds and be around things that weren’t always so good for us. It built up our immune systems. Now we are so germ-aphobic that the smallest things will kill us!

I will use as an example – PB&J. When I was growing up, all the kids had Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. Now it is illegal in most schools to bring them. They haven’t changed Peanuts! They haven’t changed Jelly and they haven’t changed bread! So what happened?

Lack of exposure! Our bodies don’t recognize those items and suddenly, we have allergies! They’re no different then having super strains of germs and bacteria. It’s not that they are so super, it’s the fact that our own immune systems are not strong enough to battle the invaders WITH THE USE OF ANTI-BIOTICS!

I hoe young parents read this and allow their kids to have fun outside and grow healthy without the use of chemicals!

James in San Diego

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