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Yahoo Answers Answers Part 84
whats a good way to find a alcohol rehab in baltimore maryland? or anywhere?
Hey j.b.,
Forget the AA thing! They are not allowed to promote any treatment over another. They don’t endorse any commercial ventures. Your best bet is to look in your yellow pages for:
Health care – Substance Abuse
Health care – Treatment Centers
County of _________________( Your local county ) Health Services Department. Call and ask for a referral.
Ask your Doctor or HMO if they have a referral program for rehab in the areas.
If the person qualifies as a minority (e.g. Native American, Black, Gay or Lesbian, Veteran or former Military service) look under community organizations for that minority. They will usually have a referral service for the recovering addict.
If this is a spouse, partner or dependent of yours; you should get help as well. Try Al-Anon, Al-Ateen, or any other co-dependency programs that are offered to you through your local AA or NA offices. The co-dependency programs for you will always be free and will help you cope with the anger/frustration that you have been experiencing.
God’s speed and Good luck
A recovering Alcoholic,
where or how can i buy millers lite in australia??
Hey Kobey,
If you must, go to any of the bars with continental sounding names in Sydney or Perth and you will find Miller Lite. Also look at the clubs around the military bases, they will definately have Miller Genuine Draft or Miller Lite.
But my biggest question, after years of sampling american beers is why would you drink Miller Lite! It taste like metal?
I was in Sydney about 6 years ago and in addition to European and other imports, they had Coors, Bud and Miller products!
Why is beer only green for one day of the year?
Hey Robert,
I managed bars for many years here in San Diego. Every year, around St. Patricks day, I would purchase a couple of packs of food color (you can only get single colors in large quantities) in order to get a couple of droppers of food green. We would add a few drops to pitchers of beer on St. Patricks day. Well, a few years back, Miller came out with pre-dyed, specially marked bottles of Miller Lite for our sale on St. Pats. We ordered the week or two before and the night before, filled our coolers with the special bottles of green beer. For some reason, maybe Miller Lite wasn’t in the minds of our partiers, or maybe they just thought that a pitcher looked better if it was green, but in the brown bottle supplied by Miller, nobody could tell that the beer was green, we just couldn’t sell out of the pre-dyed green beer in the Miller Lite bottles. Since more than 7 days had passed from the time that we took delivery until the next time we saw our salesman, we were unable to send back our remaining bottles of Green Miller Lite! Only way to get rid of it… Sell at cost!
So Robert, In actuality, Green beer was not available just 1 day during the year! I think it took us a good week to get rid of that crap!
an a tip O’ me cup to ya!
Does anyone have a copycat recipe for Papa John’s pizza dough?
Hey T.F.F.,
I wish I had the patience to follow all of Scrappykins detailed instructions, but pizza dough is quite simple, so I won’t!
Your question was that you liked the taste of Pappa John’s dough. I’ve managed many restaurants in my also many years on this planet. Your answer couldn’t be simpler;
Contact the store manager, let him know what area that you live in and he will agree that it is too far for delivery (as far as the freshness, hot pizza, etcetera, guarantee is.)
Ask to buy several pre-portioned dough balls from him, most places will sell you the dough for only a few bucks. Bring it home and freeze the dough balls. When you need them, pull whatever you like out the night before and thaw in your fridge. When you are ready, roll out the pizza dough on a floured peel, or a cutting board. If it’s difficult to roll out, let it warm up to room temperature. If you are making their deep dish, put a tablespoon or two of oil in the deep dish pizza pan add the rolled dough and cover with a damp towel and let rise for an hour. If it is their thin crust, roll out and either place in a pan or use a peel, top and place on a pizza stone in your oven (pre-heated to 450-500*f) It should be ready in about 10-12 minutes.
Hope this is easier than from scratch!
Good Eating!
why is it bad to mix alcohol and marihuana?
Hey Nic AH sio,
The first answer is the most obvious. Since both are central nervous system depressants, and both will affect you in nearly the same way, like a couple others have said, you had the effect of being REALLY DRUNK! (You probably lied down and noticed the room was spinning, the first time that has happened in a long time, huh?).
The second part of my answer has to do with your question of why is it BAD TO MIX alcohol & marijuana. The reason it is bad to do is that since both are not only nervous system depressants, they are also physical depressants. You will find that afterwards you will have a very difficult time coming back to life, or simply a really bad hangover. You should find that you may have to increase the amounts of each on further episodes, just to get the high feeling. It’s not the best way to spend an evening, especially if you are getting blackouts (When you don’t remember anything that happened).
However, before everyone thinks I am a prude, I believe that anything should be taken in moderation. Alcohol is a solvent (a refined version of the liquid Goo that you use to take off the sticky from a lable on your sunglasses ((try it sometime on a new pair)).
The only negative I’ve heard from MJ is that you tend to hold it in, and that, in theory, should lead to an increased chance of exposure to lung cancer. I have never heard of someone dying from lung cancer because they smoked alot of pot.
Like others, I enjoyed both while I was younger, but decided I didn’t like weed as much, so I dropped it.
Everything in moderation!
Don’t smoke/drink & drive!
What is a typical hourly wage paid to bartenders, excluding tips?
Hey Kmstich,
In California, it is minimum wage plus tips at public houses and a little more if you work at the hotels. Hotels will pay more, especially if you are working during the day since you have few customers and your day is mostly spent stocking and prepping for the night shifts. I have worked in San Diego, CA for the last 18 years, our population is 1.24 million city and 2.5 million county.
Also, larger clubs will be the same hourly but the tips that you get are substantially more. My friends that work in the larger clubs never get a weekend off and must tip out everyone at the end of the night. The last large club that I worked at I would gross $250 per club night, but then my barbacks got 30%, the doormen/security would split up 10% and the club host got a fixed $ amount (the last time it was 25.00 per shift to cover the advertising costs). This also varies from club to club. I have worked larger clubs that the waitress always was served before the guests. That would usually piss off the guests since they had been waiting since before she came up.
Also keep in mind the local costs with moving to certain cities to bartend. I have friends that work in smaller clubs in area’s of the south like Mississippi, Austin and Georgia. With the exception of Austin, they all pay much less than I do for rent and gas (currently in California coastal areas, the average rent for a 1 bedroom is about $1000/month and gas is running $3.45/gallon/regular unleaded. My friend in Georgia is only paid $2.15/hour; his gas is 2.85/gallon/regular and his rent is only $400/month. He tips out nobody and he made more than I did on a monthly basis.
Lastly, when you bartend, most bars will be open 365/days per year. There are no paid holidays, no vacation, no benefits. I had the hardest time when I purchased my last car. Since I was paying for everything with cash (No need for credit cards) I had to pay 31% for my car loan. They couldn’t imagine that anyone in their late 20’s could exist without credit cards. The worst part is the beauty game. I was lucky that I had the look that the club was looking for, but as the years past, I noticed that I was less and less sought out to bartend for the hipper clubs. Age and looks play a huge part in bartending.
I was watching the International Bartenders Competition a few years ago, from New York city. They had bartenders from all over the world. The grading went like this:
Speed: ————> 10%
Acuracy: ———-> 10%
Flair: —————> 80%
I was blown away! Flair is the ability to juggle bottles, throw glass and mixers into the air while doing accrobatic stunts and basically entertaining the crowd. The 3 winners, all from Europe, spent 6 hours a day practicing tossing bottles and glasware into the air and catching it. Not one had spent more than a couple of years Bartending. So basically if you have a background in juggling, you can become a world renowned bartender (unless you are female….. In the 7 years they have done this, only 1 female finalist!)!
I had no social life, few friends that were not bartenders and since I always had cash, everyone was always asking If they could borrow a little until payday (I never have been repaid). All in all, I enjoyed my life bartending, but I wouldn’t do it again!
Good Luck,
James in San Diego

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