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Yahoo Answers Answers Part 82
Is it weird that I don’t like to drink alcohol/wine etc.?
Hey Mountainiron 06,
Yes, you are a freak…. No, many people don’t like liquor. If you were Asian, chances are you are allergic. If when you wipe rubbing alcohol on your skin, if it gets very red, then you are allergic. If when you drink, if it burns going down and tastes like glass, you’re allergic. If you are smaller in stature, or you have a very high metabolism (you’re built like a cross country runner), your body probably rejects it because your body knows that you’ll get drunk off of just one.
When your friends tell you they think that you are uptight, ask them who they would like to be driving them home when they’re drunk?
Lastly, your own personal joke… When your friends are sitting around the bar on a Friday or Saturday night, crying in their drinks about how they never have any money, and are still paying rent, you’ll be sitting at home, in your own house, watching your big screen TV, laughing all the way to the bank!!!
Please don’t worry………..
…………There is always Heroine !!!!
how do you make a red death?
Hey JW,
To let you know how the differences in other parts of the country vs. here in San Diego. For years we’ve all made the Red Death shot. It’s printed in books that are available here in California, Word for word, here’s the recipe:
RED DEATH – Build in Order – Shot Glass;
1/2oz Vodka
1/4oz Triple Sec.
1/4oz Fresh squeezed Lime Juice
Dash of Tabasco.
Now I’ve seen several other drinks listed here that sound like:
RED DEVIL: Build – In Order – Collins/Chimney glass
1 oz Sloe Gin
1/2oz Southern Comfort
1/2oz Vodka
1/2oz Triple Sec.
1/2oz Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
Fill glass with Orange Juice,
Dash Grenadine (optional – But I think it looks cool!).
Hope I was able to help,
Good Drinking!
what are the top drinks in a club,bar or strip club?
Morning Fly,
I’m sticking with Jessandduane. These are the generalized drinks that you’ll be asked for, mostly well. Some shots, beer. If the club is frequented by women on others tabs, be prepared to have the blender going most of the night (and your recipe book out for at least that long). Guys usually know what they are ordering as soon as they walk up to you, it usually won’t change throughout the night. Ladies on the other hand, usually, will wait til they get up to your well when you are at your busiest and then say “I don’t know, Something different…” At that point they’re getting a sex on the beach or a Washington apple.
Now to comment on several things that I have seen from other answeree’s:
Bombhaus: let me know where you bartend. I want to stay far away.
1) Rum and coke is just that! A 151 and coke is just that! The two have never been confused other than by someone who has had too many 151 and coke, and then you should cut them off!
2). Vodka & Cranberry is just that! Vodka & Cranberry. If you add a lime garnish, then it becomes a Cape Cod (codder).
3). A Bay Breeze is Vodka, Pineapple juice & Cranberry juice.
4). A Sea Breeze is Vodka, Grapefuit juice and Cranberry Juice.
5). A screwdriver has never had grenadine in it, and it never will. The drink you are talking about is a Vodka Sunrise.
It’s wanna be bartenders like you that give professionals a crappy name! Because you can stand behind a bar and fold bar towels and look up the latest fru-fru drink from the club that your favorite ho went to last night, is the reason you are bartending in a place that mostly serves bottled beer!
A quick note to Poopkaces; Most states have laws against lighted drinks on bar tops. My favorite shot is French Toast which is Yukon Jack, Float Warmed Brandy, light and sprinkle with cinnamon, smells like french toast, looks like fireworks. Sadly, here in California it’s highly illegal.
Good Drinking Fly!
What are the steps in wine presentation to a customer?
Hey Minniemouse,
I am impressed with several of your attendees! My hat is off to RobW, EtOHRx and mostly, to Werts! I have worked in several 4+ star restaurants and each of their answers are about as right as you are going to get from a non-sommelier.
I hope you are able to pick one of them for the best answer!
Happy Decanting!
Why do people wrap a napkin around the necks of Champaigne/beer bottles?
Dear emynlasgalen,
Well your readers were mostly right. The original reason for the napkin is for when you open the Champagne. You will use the napkin to ease the cork out of the top of the bottle (you never want to get that big “POP” sound when you uncork the champagne), then you would use the napkin to clean off the top and the inside of the top of the bottle. A true Champagne or Methode Champagnoise will be made by riddling the top of the bottle, so there will be some residuals at the base of the cork. You won’t want that floating in your glass of Champagne.
But what no one has mentioned, is the fact that you would fold the napkin, in a kerchief shape and then fold it around the bottle, is that unless you have served the entire bottle, you will put the bottle in an Ice Bucket. The napkin is to prevent water and bits of ice from running into the Champagne flute.
People who wrap a paper napkin around their beer bottles are just O.C.D. or Anal Retentive.
Happy Wrapping!
If you want to go vegetarian, what’s the point of being vegan?
Good Evening Larissa,
It took me years to understand the difference between Vegetarian and Vegan! So Here Goes:
VEGETARIAN: Eats no red meat; may eat fish; will eat eggs; might eat turkey; will eat tofu that has been seasoned with Worcestershire sauce (contains anchovies); will eat regular cheese; will by clothes that may contain parts of animal skin; will eat cake; will eat pasta; will eat commercially available fruits and vegetables
VEGAN: Eats No meat, No Fish, No eggs or animal by-products; will eat organic (?) tofu, that has been naturally flavored with things like sesame oils; eats only RENETLESS cheeses (Tastes like cardboard !); pasta that is egg free; only breads that are made with no eggs or preservatives (look on the outside of the package, it will say Ingredients: Unbleached flour, water, baking powder, salt and sometimes whole grains); Will not wear any clothing that will contain any animal by product, or even imitation things like fake fur, or imitation leather; will only eat fruit and produce that is organically raised, with no pesticides used.
While this is not a complete list, it is a good guideline.
What I found out from talking to both VEGANS and VEGETARIANS is that they have found that a family of 4 can be self sustaining on 1 acre of land per year for growing vegetables and fruits. It will take 1 acre in water feet, per year to water those crops (we use about 4 acre feet of water in a family of 4 just for showering and washing our clothes per year.
Raising a cow/steer, will take 6 acres of grain to feed that animal per year, with approximately 3 acre feet of water per year to grow the feed. That entire animal will feed a family of 4 for a little more than 2 months, ergo, 6 steer/cow per year.
You can see why the Veggie group doesn’t like the red meat equation.
I hope that this helps!
Good Feeding!
Ooops, I just remembered, The nicest thing in common between Vegans & Vegetarians; they both can enjoy beer! All natural, No byproducts, no preservatives — What a Great thing to have in common!

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