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Yahoo Answers Answers Part 80
bartender recipes?
Good Morning, Staci Nicole,
While I usually use a very good book for drinks that I rarely come across, (The book is called “Bartenders Companion” and has most of the dirty drinks that are not normally published in books, is from 1990 by John Rickman and allegedly copies can be obtained by calling 213-874-0448 ((Los Angeles area, the area code has changed multiple times, by now)).
When I am Bartending on busy nights, I have to rely on other bartenders for unusual drinks, but I will look them up after a nights work and the site that I use most is; the digital bartender. It’s loaded with pop-ups and ads, but it has nice links for other sites.
Good Mixing!
I’m opening up a new restaurant. I’m thinking about using…………..?
Hey Kooties,
In a simplistic way, I always thought (as a boy) it was a bad thing to get “Kooties”. As a Restaurant Manager, I really don’t like the name. There is a better way to use your name (or nickname) in a better way to define your food. How about:
Miss Kooties Chicken and Waffles. (There is a reason your sister warned you about me ! )
The “Miss Kooties” shows a certain Southern refinement, with a down home, no non-sense, stick to your ribs, type of food. The use of Chicken and Waffles, sets you up for a tone that most would expect wondrous Southern food that might include grits, greens and some of the fluffiest biscuits that I would’ve ever had!
Unless, you plan on specializing in Pot Pies, I wouldn’t make that a selling point. Most pot pies are chicken and turkey, and you’ll find that most customers will compare you to the Banquet frozen kind. They will decide that they can get the same thing for under $2.00 (It’s kind of like expensive restaurants serving Mac-n-Cheese, oh, sure they use 4 different cheeses, but it’s still Mac-n-Cheese! for $10.00 !!) If you go out on a limb and try things like andouille and kale, or beef stew pot pies, it might work to your advantage, because customers can’t get them anyplace else! Unless you are going to specialize in pot pies, I would only use them as a way to flesh out your menu.
Mostly, I would talk to everyone that I know that has opened a restaurant. Most will not want you to fail! And most importantly: LISTEN! We often don’t really listen to a complaint from a troublesome customer (just trying to get something for free!). But every so once in a while, you will hear someone say, This doesn’t taste like it used to. LISTEN!
It also a great idea to go to AOL city searches as well as go to google and type in Southern Food, or southern restaurants. Look at the reviews, you will get a free critique of what you SHOULDN’T do in a restaurant. You will read words like “Greasy”, “Slow Service”, “Barely warm”, etc. These are all items that the regular customer won’t tell you, but they’ll put it on the Web for everyone to see.
Mostly, Good Luck! and Good Eatin!
How Do You Fold An Egg?
Hey good evening!
Well, Grendles got it, mostly! As a longtime Restaurant Manager, the methodology that Grendle states is the only way that you can do this properly. The egg must be separate, and you whip each individually, and fold in with a spatula so that you don’t take the air out of any stage of your ingredients.
But what everyone is missing (and the reason why most of you have never heard of “folding in an egg” (yes, most of heard of folding in whipped egg whites, but not usually a whole egg) is that the show itself was meant to be CAMP regarding Lisa’s COOKING ABILITIES, or at least, LACK THERE OF! The joke would be; if you had whipped a batter, and then folded in a whole egg, it would remain at the bottom of the cake, plain for everyone to see, hence, the GAG!
I hope that nobody is trying to do this for real, you’ll have a cake that is VERY DENSE at the bottom, or wherever the egg rests.
Good Eating!
What’s the best recipe for arbario rice?
Good Evening,
Any risotto will work with arborio rice (only).
A risotto is when you allow the starches to come from the inside of the short grained rice by slow cooking with stock. The easiest way to do this is to take a small amount of oil in a sauce pan and add diced shallots, some garlic and a cup or two of rice. Allow the shallots (or white onion) to get translucent, just a few minutes. In another saucepan, have either a chicken or vegetable ( about 1 quart per cup 1/2 of rice) stock on simmer. Add the hot stock, ladle by ladle, stirring as much as possible, keep your heat about low medium. Your rice will let you know when it is full, it will stop absorbing the liquid.
At this point you could add anything you want; pearl onions, peas, sauteed mushrooms, roasted bell peppers, sliced/roasted nuts, lemon zest, diced tomatoes…your options are many.
Once you’ve figured out what you are going to add (Or add Nothing… it will taste just as good!) you will finish your risotto by adding several tablespoons of butter, stir that in until it melts. Remove from heat and stir in a couple of handfuls of grated Parmesan or Romano cheeses. Serve! (1/2 cups will serve 4 as a side dish).
Good Eating!
Does anyone know the best thing to mix with brandy?
Hey jObo,
My favorite is something called a Keoke Coffee. Take a warmed bar coffee mug (about 6 oz.), add brandy, equal amount of Kahlua (or Kamora) stir and then add fresh coffee almost to the top. Top with whipped cream. (The actual book recipe calls for a drizzle of Dark creme de Cacao – I leave it off, makes it taste kinda chalky). Stir everything together and drink. This is a great after dinner drink especially ’cause it meets your nose first!
Try it, You’ll like it !
Salad Recipe?———————?
Hello Whatshername!
While I love Caesar salad, and have had to make it table side, similar to the other longer recipes that are listed here. My favorite is the cleanest and easiest to make. It is courtesy of Alton Brown, the cook from Good Eats! I love his cooking! Enjoy the recipe!
Good Eating!

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