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Yahoo Answers Answers Part 77
could you please tell me the name of buildings or property start with alphabet P?
Well, I’ll help out as much as I can:
1). Pagoda’s – Oriental style places of worship
2). Palaces – Large homes for nobility
3). Parliament – Houses of Government
4). Parthenon (or Parthanien) – A building with Many Doric Columns
5). Parsonage – A Clergyman’s house
6). Pension – European for Hotels or Bed & Breakfast Inns
7). Public Houses – British for a Bar or Ale Hall.
These are the one’s that I could think of, If you think of anything more in detail, please post and I will try my brain. Hope I helped.
Who are the Bildeburgers?
This goes back as far as written Western History has existed. There is a theory that the Bildeburgers, the Tri-Lateral Commission , Freemasons and even the N.A.T.O. and the World Trade Organization and the World Bank are all controlled by these groups. They are essentially groups of businessmen that decided who would run what countries, who would go to war, who would retain control over riches, fuels, waterways, in ways that could benefit these Businessmen.
A good example was that just before World War 1, the Rothschild’s (Europes richest banking family) needed to increase it’s holdings, and so allegedly, the Rothschild’s put out a hit on Franz Ferdinand so that England and Germany would get into the war. During war, countries have to borrow money to finance the war (we are doing it now with Iraq and Afghanistan!), so the countries involved would have to do business, one way or another with the Rothschild’s.
A great book on the subject matter Is a book called “The Unseen Hand” it is written by a Professor at University of Arizona. It was in paperback when I read it a few years ago. It goes into allot of the “so-called” U.S. Illuminati (the Rockefeller’s, the Mellon’s, the Carnegie’s and many robber Barons of the industrial age) and how they were able to swing elections and decide policy without ever stepping into the White House or Congress.
If you look at the back of a US$ 1.00 bill, you will see some signs of what is supposed to be the Freemason’s input into our government. (The ever watching eye; the 13 levels of the pyramid; the fact that there is a pyramid and I used to know what the latin meant around the seal, but I’ve long fogotten.).
Lastly, in your question, you started with the “Bildeburgers”, it depends on who you talk to, the two theories are:
1). It was started about the beginning of World War 1 by Englishman Dennis Healy who had attended Freemasons meetings and wanted a business group, Just Like Them…
2). It was started in Germany by Prince Bernard, at the start of World War II, he was an SS officer and wanted to make sure that if the Fuhrer didn’t prevail that his and other German royalty assets would be “safeguarded”.
Get that book, should be in used book stores. I really enjoyed it and I am not a nerd.
Hope I could help!
can someone tell me where i will find a pouch maybe online the one that around your stomach and you can put?
There are two site’s that I know of, they are both here in America.
1). Le Travel Store. There are none that I know of that are colorful, since the main objective is to make them blend in with your skin.
2). Rick Steves Travel Store. He is a public broadcaster located in the Portland area of Oregon here in the Northwestern United States.
Both of these sites are listed below and would be happy to forward you information for your home country.
Good Luck and Happy Travels.
Were you surprised how people change in 10 years? (10 year reunions)?
I wished that we would have had a 15th.
I went to my 10 year and I encourage everyone to go to theirs. It was the most cathartic experience I ever had regarding High School. College didn’t mean so much, since I had stayed in touch with most of my college friends. But High School….!
The Star’s = mostly washed-up has-beens that were going to cash in on whatever fame that carried them to the heights that they had spent those formative years.
The Jock’s = It takes a lot of work to keep those bodies in beer drinking shape. I have a great memory of one footballer, who during the high school years, would make fun of “Fat-Chicks”… Well you guessed it… This football stud not only lost all of his hair, but was more than 200lbs over what he weighed in high school. He hadn’t only lost his hair, but his two previous wives as well.
The Beauties = Didn’t seem to recognize many of these, I don’t know why not?
The plain Joe’s, Plain Jane’s and the rest of the Wallflowers = God/Mother Nature/Fate (?) All played the most delicious notes on these classmates. Most were Confident, Accomplished, Down to Earth, Happily coupled, Content, and BEAUTIFUL – INSIDE & OUT! And the main reason why so many of us miss the Good Ole days of whatever school we missed. It wasn’t the Glitter that we missed, it was the background that made them so interesting. The nicest thing about a reunion, is that the former glitter, now becomes the background to let these fine folks SHINE 😀
Magarita recipe needed from Sunset Sam’s in the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando.?
As a Bartender of many years, I will share my favorite basic recipe.
Glass full of ice – add:
2 parts Gold Tequila
1 part Triple sec (Or cointreau) If you use Grand Marnier, it should be floated on the top, after shaking, and the orange juice omitted.
1 part Sweet and Sour Mix (Sometimes listed as Margarita Mix)
1 Lime – Large (Not a Key Lime – too tart) freshly squeezed (If it feels a little tough – rub it on a cutting board before you cut it or put it in a microwave oven for 10 seconds on high). Please do not use sweetened Lime juice (Like Roses) or the plastic fake lime that you can find in the produce section.
Splash of Orange juice.
Shake it slightly
Remember, the very 1st Margarita’s in Mexico were only Tequila, Orange Juice and Fresh Lime Juice. NOTHING MORE! I find that the fewer bottled ingredients and the more fresh, the better it tastes.
Good Mixing!
where are the best sushi bars in San Diego also tai restaurants?
Hey Irish,
The place voted #1 sushi in San Diego is a place called Zensei Sushi, it’s a little expensive, but usually busy so it must just be me.
(Web site is below)
My favorite sushi joint is Harney Sushi, in the Old Town area of San Diego. It’s a little touristy there, but they mostly see locals, especially the service workers from the surrounding hotels and restaurants. The nice thing is that they have two rooms, the bar room has live DJ’s and the staff and owners are on the younger side (mid 20’s to late 20’s) and every owner takes his turn at the sushi bar — so you know it will be done right. The prices are terrific.
(Web site is below)
When you get here, look for a publication at the local liquor and convenience stores called “The Reader”. It’s a free publication that comes out on Wednesday nights and has coupons for both of these restaurants as well as many other sushi places in San Diego. Reviews for some are in the rear of the magazine.
Thai is a little different. Everyone in San Diego only likes one Thai place. If they like Taste of Thai, then they don’t like Celadon, If they like Celadon, then they don’t like Lotus Thai, etc. There are two area’s for Thai food without driving for blocks and blocks. The 1st area is next to downtown called the GASLAMP. (Website is below)
It is the trendiest, not necessarily the best. It’s an area to be SEEN IN. But I will admit, there is a lot to see. The Second area is just north of Downtown, it is called HILLCREST. (Website is below)
It’s called bohemian, that’s realtor speak for a lot of Gay people and Yuppies. Prices are better, the wait time is better than in the Gaslamp. As far as UTC/Golden Triangle and La Jolla. You would never be able to park a car or take a bus and just walk around looking at the different restaurants. It’s a “keep the car with me” ’cause the next Thai restaurant is 1 mile away.
Good dining! Hope you enjoy my city 😀
p.s. the area’s listed are not cities, they are communities of San Diego, so they may not be listed on certain maps. Look in the front of the yellow pages in your hotel room, those are the best maps :-p

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