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Yahoo Answers Answers Part 71
How to thicken spaghetti sauce made with fresh tomatoes?
Hey Brian,
I have four really easy ways:
1). Add tomato paste – It sweetens it a little, though.
2). Add grated Parmesan cheese.
3). Blend part or all of it. (An immersion blender — looks like a boat motor– works best, but a counter top blender works well too.
4). Add bread crumbs — or stale bread if you are using the blender method.
They all work well and most don’t affect the taste that much.
Good Eating!
James in San Diego.
I loved hell’s kitchen!!?
Hey Jesiqu,
I really enjoyed it, but am struck by how many of us would have stood for all that swearing and put-downs by Chef Ramsey.
I have worked in restaurants for many years and am used to it, but don’t most of you think that if your bosses told you to move your fat **** that you would’ve got a lawyer month’s ago?
James in San Diego
It was nice to see Fat Bastard get yelled at again…. He won’t take orders from a woman… I would have cut his finger off myself!
Should bar staff report drink drivers?
Hey Lady..Light!
Well… I am sure that the laws where you are writing from (U.K., Right?) are very similar to laws written here in the states. In all states in these United, the law is written with almost the same wording:
“It is unlawful to serve an OBVIOUSLY intoxicated person.”
Remember, there are two sides to the law:
The First is an intoxicated person, driving or not, can cause injury to himself or others. He may fall over an overpass, fall in front of a moving car, slap ‘Ole B/F while he is being driven home and cause a head-on crash.
The Second involves driving, biking, snowboarding, performing surgery, etc. Any action that can cause great bodily injury. (Yes, in every state and in the U.K., you can be arrested and charged with DUI while on a bike or even roller skates.)
I think that any barman that serves a customer to excess SHOULD BE FIRED!
Since that is not going to happen, what about the drunks friends. They knew he was blotto… Why did they let him drive?
If the Drunk had been in a car crash, even though your B/F called police, in most jurisdictions, the BAR/BARTENDER are the ones liable (They served him… They should pay for damages!).
So how do you like the fact that had the Drunk been in a crash, your B/F would be out of a job, sued for damages and the bar closed. Oh, same thing if the Drunk killed himself. The bar served him to excess!
The only sure way to keep the Drunks off the road; install ignition interlocks (Breath testers) on cars. And the only way to keep Non-Drivers from being public drunks…. CLOSE THE PUBS! STOP SELLING BOOZE!
When we are done with that…. Let’s go after Fast Food!
Makes you think, don’t it?
James in San Diego, California
p.s. I’m guessing I will not be getting the best answer, Huh?
Jack in the Box???
Hey MJ,
Yes, it is! In fact if you were to go to the headquarters here in San Diego, he also has his own parking space, an office and pictures all around the building of him “Doing” things (camping, heading-up meetings, coaching the hockey team, fishing).
Of course since Foodmaker/Ralston Purina was bought out the new firm brought “Jack” back and renamed the company Jack-In-The-Box.
Good Eating!
James in San Diego
While the tacos contain soy, they also contain meat products and juices. Go to Jack in the Box website and look at the product information portion of the site. You will see that meat products and juices are listed at number 5 or 6 on the ingredient list.
how many cans of coke does coca cola company sell worldwide every week? pls give me a numeral answer.?
Hey Gal,
This information is from the Food Network. They have a show called “Unwrapped”.
Approximately 350 million liters- that’s 92.4 million U.S. gallons- of Coke are sold each day in over 200 countries!
That is 986,666,667 can’s (12oz) PER DAY!
Another interesting tidbit is that the most known word in the world today is: OK!
The Second: COKE!
Good Drinking!
James in San Diego
Those figures are for Coke only, they don’t include Pepsi, Fanta, RC, Dr Pepper, etc….
in some restaurants indian, chinese etc., some sizzling dishes are on fire when they bring it to table. How?
Hey Curious,
With the exception of some foods that are finished tableside, the food was probably not on fire. What you are referring to is the sizzle that you normally see and hear when you order Fajitas or similar dishes.
If this is the case, it’s very simple.
In a squeeze bottle mix equal amounts of: Red wine Vinegar and Oil. Add a clove of minced garlic and a pinch or red pepper flakes. Set aside.
Using a cast iron presentation plate (you can find these at local restaurant supply companies) or small cast iron pan — place this on a medium heat with just a bit of oil. Let heat up.
On a grill; grill up chicken breast or steak. You can do this in the cast iron, but it will take the heat away from the pan.
In a separate pan, sautee veggies; onions, peppers; Heat some tortilla’s through.
When you meat is ready, remove from heat, let rest and slice up.
Place veggies in your hot presentation plate, or in hot cast iron pan. Top with meat. Tuck tortilla’s in side. Take your oil/vinegar mix, shake up and pour over veggies/meat. You will have smoke, smell and sizzle.
Just like a magician!
James in San Diego

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