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Yahoo Answers Answers Part 66
What does smell look like?
Hey Moe!
I don’t know how to let all of these losers know that they are just complete idiots, but here goes…
You Losers are complete Idiots.
There is a process in the brain, that WE ALL HAVE AS BABIES, that makes sounds, colors, shapes and smells, relate to our brains before we know what these things are.
So, we may, as a baby, hear the note “C”, and we will equate that to a color, say Blue. Vice-versa, we may see the color “Blue” and equate that to the note “C”, same with shapes and smells.
The brain is doing something called: Synesthesia. It is scientifically proven.
Most of us will make a unconscious decision as we age to attach a “black or white” idea of what something is or isn’t. Some, however, never adopt their brains to that idea.
It is said, that while Beethoven, was technically deaf, we could see his music as cascades of colors, like waterfalls. He would then get the tempo down by feeling the vibrations of his piano.
So “what does smell look like?” Most of us can never answer you… but there is an answer out there.
I have left several links to this phenomenon in the source list.
Good Reading,
James in San Diego
where can i buy a pen that works upside down or in the rain?
Hey Choon,
I am 99% sure of this answer. The answers regarding NASA are all correct 100%. But you asked for where you could buy the pen. The two companies that NASA invested the monies with both came out with pens that would work in any environment. They were:
Cross was deemed the winner, Bic tried pushing the new pen but since it was now in the public domain the folks over at Papermate made their own version.
So the three manufacturers are; Cross, Bic and Papermate. Whether they still make their “Any Environment” pens is anybody’s guess.
So to join the rest of the chorus… Thought about a China marker…? Laundry Pen…? Fireman’s marker…?
Hope I helped,
James in San Diego
I’m in high school and about to be a junior what should I do in high school to be accepted to a film school?
Hey Guy,
When you hear the stories of people like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck who say they tried and tried to get into film school, or the guys that did the 1st Clerks, who couldn’t even get a foot in the door, the best advise I have for you is:
The odds got to be a hell of alot better than the schools are!
Sorry, it seems to be the only answer I can think of…
define over capitalization and under capitalaization?
Hey Ros,
Go back to Eco 101. It’s really very simple.
You own a house, worth $500k in an average neighborhood of other $500k houses, you have $250k in equity and you want to remodel… So you:
a). Spend (In cash) $150k on the kitchen and add another $250k on the pool. Just for fun, you spend another $125k on the only bathroom in the house. Now you have a house worth maybe $600k that you’ve sunk $525k + the cost of the house. You will never re-coop the investment. that is Over Capitalization; simplified.
b). You have pulled all of your equity out of the house to pay for your kids college. but you still want to remodel so you:
— Sign a loan document for the same $150k on the kitchen.
— Sign another document for the $125 on the bathroom.
— Since you are thrifty, you say screw the pool.
Now you have a house worth maybe $550k, that you’ve sunk in $275k + the entire $500k that you owe on the house. You have negative equity and in the simplest terms; under capitalization.
In corporate terms;
A company flush with cash and no investments planned is over capitalized.
A company strapped with committed investment plans but no influx of cash is under capitalized.
The strange thing, is that the over capitalized (supposedly, best managed) company is the most ripe for a hostile takeover. The under capitalized nobody wants… Too much debt!
I hope I helped.
James in San Diego
Why does spam exist?
Hey Dog,
Much like everything else we use as convenience, the governments of the world needed a way to get food to troops/space/use in nuclear fallout, etc. So they would contract with private corporations to get these things figured out. Sometimes, they would hold contests to get companies to outdo each other. With out these special contests, we never would have had, Pop-Tarts, Tang. that yucky peanut butter/chocolate goo in the plastic tube or M.R.E.’s Hell, you wouldn’t be able to hunt pigs *****oles with your Jeep if it hadn’t been for these programs.
So, one of these governments, will call it the United States, annexes a group of islands we’ll call “Hawaii”. Makes ’em a state and the rest is history…. except…. This new state will now have lot’s and lot’s of tourists…. Need to feed the people on the islands, especially if a BIG STORM keeps ships from stopping there for many weeks or month’s. What can we package that will store for long periods and have the protein of meat at a fraction of the cost?
You’ve guessed it! Pig lips and Arses blended with some spices.
It actually caught on as a food staple (hey, these people eat Poi !).
So why, you ask, did it ever get served here in these United States…. er, states! Think 1960’s, Think Trader Vic’s, Think Don Ho and his freekin bubbles…. During the 60’s we had this huge desire to bring everything TI KI to the mainland… So we bought the torches, started cramming pineapple down our throats, hell, my parents even hosted a Luau at our house when I was but a smudge! Whole Pigs, alas, weren’t cheap enough to have a Luau every month, so they needed a pork, that wasn’t a whole ham… SPAM!
You could Slice it, Dice it, hell, you could even carve it into shapes. And it was just pigs lips and Arses so IT WAS CHEAP!
And that, my friend, is the reason for crime, mass murderers and yes, even Bill Clinton/George Bush (All are products of SPAM).
Hope you sleep easier at night. And I truly hope that now, if you are still awake, you get it!
James in San Diego
Claret ’82 or ’88?
Hey Rodney,
You would have to look this up for sure, but if my memory serves me right, we had an el nino year in 1980 or 1981, So that would make 1982 a bottle year. The next el nino wasn’t until 1991 or 1992, so the rainfall would have been not so great for 1986/1987. Plus, a great red like a Bourdeaux does well with a few more years on it!
Rodney, grab that bottle of 1982 and gift your way to heaven!
James in San Diego

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