Yahoo Answers Answers Part 52

We have to wear name tag with first and last name in high school kitchen. Can they make us wear it?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Audrey,

You must be a hoot and a holler to work with!

What’s the problem? Shouldn’t you worry about other things like how often people are washing their hands, who isn’t wearing a hairnet, who’s not rotating stock…. !

But if you must, it would be perfectly acceptable to most authorities to list only your first name and last initial. Most Hospitals do this for their nursing staff. Oh, wait, that was only in the Psych ward….

Oh yeah, same thing.

James in San Diego


i dont know what you all are talking about?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Annabella,

When the U.S. Constitution was first passed and ratified by the states a popular way to test its limits was for those who wanted to, they would go to a public place (typically a sidewalk or in a park) and publicly speak their minds. Many of them would bring Soap Boxes (Actually a wooden box about the size of a crate) and stand on them so that they could be seen and heard. When they were finished with their argument, they would simply “get off their soap box!”

Now you know!

James in San Diego


A.S.D.A. are a chain of General Merchandise stores in the United Kingdom.


when on a calorie diet do have to be strick on what you eat?

Hey Lina,

If you are on a strict “Caloric Intake” diet, then no – a calorie is a calorie!

Important tho, is when!

Don’t eat many calories before bed, in the evenings or when sick. These will not burn at the same rate that they would burn if your were active.

Good Luck,

James in San Diego


what do thomas jefferson and george washington have in common?

OK Truthster,

First there are the obvious:

1). They’re both dead!

2). They both were rich dudes!

3). They both were Virginia farmers that grew, among other things, hemp!

4). They both owned slaves!

5). They both had sex with their female slaves!

Then, the point I think you are going after:

They were both “Free-Masons”. At the time, Free-Masons were considered an underground, highly secretive, religious sect of high ranking members of what is now the U.S.

Now, they are just “Tax Exempt”!

James in San Diego

p.s. In another question someone refers to the “Illuminati” as the pre-cursor to the Free-Masons. Not so! Free-Masons never have advocated one world government, they were mostly concerned with the Stupid People putting other Stupid People in power. (Hence, the Electoral College in the U.S.)


Is there a difference between “not guilty” and “innocent”?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Susan,

I am going to echo what Lips says but in a more simplistic answer.

O.J. Simpson was found “Not Guilty”

He has yet to prove his innocence!

James in San Diego


are nuclear weapons REALLY wmd’s?

Hey Ministe,

I think the point that most are missing is this:

You can’t protect yourself from a WMD!

If you have a gun, and you decide to use it in a malicious way, I have ways to protect me and my family. If we are unprotected, the damage you inflict is finite!

The damage you inflict may disrupt my family for many years, but the rest of humanity will grow beyond that.

The 9/11 disaster, while horrific, was not caused by WMD’s.

When one uses a WMD, it is meant to annihilate, not just destruct. Many WMD’s alleged today, are not meant to cause collateral damage, just to end life forms. An A-bomb may level a square mile, but it will travel through villages and end all life, human and otherwise. An attack with Saran gas will have a very similar effect.

When you state that the “smaller everyday weapons” are the real WMD’s then you must add into that logic, deaths caused by cars, obesity (and Diabetes) , smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, AIDS and Lack of Health care. The death toll for any of the above, singularly outnumbers those deaths caused by small arms. While the aforementioned causes of death are all non-intentional they by far, cause a greater harm (and cost) to society than does a nuclear weapon.

The major reason, I think, that the populace has such a great concern for WMD’s is that it would not take a greatly organized effort to utilize them. For a few million dollars, one could take possession of a rogue country’s nuclear weapon, for less than that, several people could extract the toxic components from 200 pounds of Castor beans and poison a city the size of Los Angeles.

Lastly, and the saddest of all, is that we are a nation of headline readers. We will believe the wackiest things before we research them. We don’t want to know if something we like will hurt us — we want to know What do YOU HAVE that will hurt us! I will fill ballot boxes and spew lies from my mouth regarding the evils of ________, while at the same time, stuffing a burger and fries down my throat and washing everything away with a super sized coke and then drive home in my SUV the 3 blocks to my house.

Miraculously, the saving grace in all of this… There are people who ask the right questions, the Profiles in Courage that Kennedy wrote about. The people, not afraid of their own careers or what others think that ask the questions that matter. These are the antidote to any WMD’s. And these are the people that will save my, and most everyone else on this planets, collective arses!

And for them, I thank god.

Thank you for your time,

James in San Diego

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