Yahoo Answers Answers Part 44

I need a web adress where you can find a job at 13 please help?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Lazi,

Quite a few of us, in good faith, gave you ideas of how you could find work at the age you are. Apparently, that wasn’t good enough. In all states in the USA, you must be a minimum of 15 unless your family owns the business.

While we appreciate your ethic in trying to find work — at your age the options are very limited to what we all suggested in your previous question.

Any jobs over the Internet will require you to be 18 before you can sign any type of contract or complete any financial dealing.

Good luck, and please, review the answers that well all gave you.

James in San Diego


I get canned to day but am asked to sign saying it is a mutual agreement. Do I still get unemployment?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Shag,

Go wth Steve! Call the employment development office. Tell them your story. This way if there is a problem, you’ve already got the EDD on your side!

Is everybody missing the severance portion of your question?

Good Luck!

James in San Diego


Get rid of flies off cattle?

Favorite Answer:

Hey M.J.

It’s been a few years since I’ve used this but I am sure they still make it. This will be available at all Tack and Feed stores but you will probably find it at Pet’s Smart or other pet stores that have Horse and Equine supplies.

It’s a marigold extract in pump spray form. I don’t remember the name but if you ask, they will definitely know what I am talking about.

I have used it for flies and the flies can’t stand it – but since it’s marigold extract – the horses don’t mind it and it’s safe.

James in San Diego


Recently moved here, and want to know what restaurants are good to dine at?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Light,

Welcome to the Hood!

I’m going to go along with Elmer (No name) for his insight. I am going to add a few though.

I have often wondered why I have never received the same recommendation from others as to what the best Thai is. If someone recommends Celadon, then they hate Taste of Thai, If they recommend Taste of Thai then they hate the others… It makes no sense.

Mexican — STAY AWAY FROM OLD TOWN! You might as well go to Taco Bell and save the parking hassles.

Italian — I’ve got to include a little dive near MCRD. It’s called Volare. It’s super cheap, the side salads are bland at best, but the entrees are the best I’ve ever tasted (And there are few over $10.00) — It’s on Barnett Street, Off of Pacific Highway – Just before Midway Ave.

Italian Tapas — A new place (2 years) is called Appertivo – 3900 Block of 30th Street – North Park area – Just north of University Ave. Entrees – Nothing over $7.00 — Noisy, but fun and decent wine selection.

Mexican – I know it’s a chain – but for better surroundings, I really like Chevy’s. I really like their fish and seafood selections. I also like some of the little neighborhood places (Roberto’s on El Cajon near Utah St – North Park area) still makes some of the best. ((Like Thai, everyone has their own favorites)).


A little place in Golden Hill area called Turf Supper Club. You grill your own food (steaks, chicken or Kabobs) comes with salad and bread – No potato. Cheap and fun!


Crest Cafe. Hillcrest – Robinson Ave between 4th and 5th. Bistro that has a wide selection of various tastes – rarely disappoints.


Bronx – Washington St., – Hillcrest area – between 2nd and 4th! Great cracker thin slices.

Arrivederci Pizzeria – 4th Ave., between Robinson and Pennsylvania (There are two Arrivederci on 4th Ave., Don’t go to the full service restaurant — Expensive and pretentious) – Good Pastas, Great 10-12″ pizza’s and no attitude!


It’s been a few years — and I would never bring my family there but they used to have fun and cheap food at P.B. bar and grill….


The Reader. They publish it every week and you will find some really fun places some with coupons. It’s on nearly every street corner in P.B. as well as all over San Diego

Good Eating,

James in San Diego


What is the best way to expand and improve my local newspaper business???

Favorite Answer:

Hey Tom,

I don’t know if this would work in your neighborhood, but I notice that all over the world, they use the “Ladies in Bikinis!”

I can guarantee you that they would be able to sign up every business man in your town!

If you are from a conservative town, they’re is nothing wrong with employing local kids to sign-up new subscribers.

If you are a publisher;

You need to kill someone every couple of days! Or, could you cause a disaster every few month’s? It’s always good for some news.

Hope that the first few work!

I hope that you don’t have to resort to the last two!

James in San Diego


where do I work now?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Peter,

You are the clever one! It is a shame that we have lost your great sense of adventure!

You Could be Golfing….

You Could be Fishing….

You Could be Playing Cards ….

You Could be Bouncing a Kid on Your Knee (hopefully your own)….

You Could be Picking the Lint out of your Belly …

You Could be Playing President of the United States …


You Could be Awake for No Apparent Reason …!




Please don’t deprive the rest of us without coming to visit !

We need the “Old Dog” of the outfits that we work for to come in and kick the place around every so once in a while!

James in San Diego

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