Yahoo Answers Answers Part 40

How can I get a scholarship for my studies in canada or USA? Or how can I and my husband get a job in USA?

Favorite Answer:


Have you actually been under a rock? All you read about is America is bad at this or that… Why live there?

As an American, we are tired of being told we are imperialists and other bad names.

Please, consider moving to a different country!




what should i do?

Hey Steve,

You can play one against the other.

Tell Tuesdays (University) interviewer that you have an offer with the Monday guy (don’t tell him it’s with the city – he’ll know what they pay)

Tell Mondays (City) interviewer that you have received an offer with the Tuesday guy (Don’t tell him its with the University….)

See what happens.




Be a gent and tell Mondays guy that you are in a pickle and see if he will give you a few more days.

Just my opinion,

James in San Diego


Does anyone know?

Hey Dave,

The reason you didn’t find it on OSHA is that it isn’t an OSHA rule. It is Federal Employment Law.

Employers are NOT required to give breaks! Up until a few years ago, it was mandatory — But not anymore! (Well, unless you have to spend the night ((e.g. fireman)) then it’s a little different).

Your individual state may have enacted a break law since the feds changed theirs. You haven’t listed what state you work in so I wasn’t able to research that information.

If the answer to this question doesn’t stop you from voting republican, I don’t know what will.

I have posted the link below.

Hope this answer helps!

James in San Diego

p.s. Here is the information for California :


Is the customer ALWAYS right?

Hey Sparkle,

Well that depends:

Yes! If you are the Customer….

No! If you are the Customer Service Agent!

It’s that fine line that we all seem to cross. When we are the customer service agent (server, cashier, nurse) we have a tendency to think that the Customer is whacked! When we are the customer, we can’t figure out why the agent won’t help us!

We should always try to put on the other hat when we are in difficult situations, it might make our lives easier.

Great question!

James in San Diego


What is best website for job hunting?

Hey Schmidt,

I personally like “” to use in conjunction with any other websites like monster, yahoo or my local papers websites. That site has things that many sites don’t like:

1). Tips for NOT having a standard interview.

2). What 1 statement most applicants fail to say at the end of the interview.

3). Keep yourself apart from the other applicants.

Hope you like it!

Good Luck!

James in San Diego


Currently get co. car. employer wishes to take back this benefit what are my rights?

Favorite Answer:

Hey Carroll,

Have you asked your employer what your options are? It is probably just a cost cutting move since the lease is now over. If you are posting this from in the US, then this is not necessarily considered compensation. It’s kind of like the office coffee pot or the water cooler, a convenience.

Has your employer told you what they are offering in lieu of the company car? (Mileage, insurance reimbursement, parking permits) Are you expected to visit with clients regularly? Will your current vehicle reflect poorly on the company? Depending on the answers to these questions you might be able to:

1). Lease the car back from the leasing company – you already know how the car runs and the maintenance history

2). Be able to work out an equitable reimbursement plan with your company that is not adversarial.

3). Look like the hero in all of this. Other employees that also get company cars are going to complain like hell. Rise above that fray and find out how you can be of assistance.

You have no rights because this is not considered compensation, but do yourself the favor of positioning yourself in the winning category.

Good Luck,

James in San Diego

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